Monday, September 16, 2013

I am not a Robot

I know I'm not a robot because I can remember. 

I can think back to the times when life was good and going my way, 

and to the times where it was dark. 

Robots can only rember what we program them to remember.

 Us humans can only try and forget. 

Memories are what keep us going. 

They help us learn from our mistakes and push forward. 

Memories are what make us human, 

they  help us acknowledge that life is good, or that life gets better.

I know I'm not a robot because when I am driving down the highway 

and that certain song comes on the radio, I can feel the past.

I can remember the way I felt when I first heard that song. 

I can remember all the details of my forgotten life, who was there, 

what was happening, how I was feeling. 

It all comes back to me with just one verse of a simple song. 

Robots can never know that rush. 

They can never feel the past. 

They can't remember. 

But we can.



Sunday, September 15, 2013


LOVE is the reason we are living. 

LIVING is to do something crazy.

CRAZY is freefalling out of a plane.

SKYDIVING gives you butterflies. 

BUTTERFLIES are beautiful.

BEAUTY comes from nature.

NATURE is a breath of fresh air.

BREATHING is how we survive. 

SURVIVING is what we do everyday.

365 days are in a year. 

YEARS go by quickly. 

QUICK is moving really fast. 

MOVING is to dance. 

DANCING is an art. 

ART is drawing circles.

CIRCLES go forever. 



As life goes on I can tell my mind set has changed.

 I'm not as fearless, creative and artistic as I used to be. 

I remember when I used to be able to sit down and draw whatever my heart desired. 

Now I have to make sure that the picture is straight, the colors match and the drawing is neat. 

Why can't I just "color outside of the lines" like I used to?

 Maybe it's the insecurity, or the fear of not being good enough. 

Why do I think like this now? 

I didn't used to think like this before. 

Nothing else mattered before, all that mattered was the crayon in my hand and the masterpiece in front of me. 
Wouldn't it be easier if we all just took the crayons life gave to us and created something beautiful? 

Without having to worry about what anyone else thought? 

I don't know. 

All I know is that life "colors outside of the lines" everyday.

 So it only makes sense that we do too.


Monday, September 9, 2013


I've never really been a good writer.

I always have these crazy ideas floating around in my head, but they never tend to work on paper.

I tried to paint my emotions, but they always turn out sharp and straight instead of curved and creative.

I realized that I'm a perfectionist, I can't draw outside of the lines, I've never wanted to.

Until now.

I wanna let go and start expressing my thoughts outside of stupid lines and edges.

A life in the lines is not worth living.
